Friday, February 12, 2010

The perfect friend

All my friends are pricks

These are just some of the things I mutter to myself when I'm having a bad morning. Kinda a bad habit but reflective of my feelings non the less.

I'm a nice person. Facilatating, hospitable, blah blah blah you get the picture. But I'm also a nasty person who thinks mean things in private. I'm not even the type that's passive aggressive about thing, sometimes I'll just say FUCK YOU.

But the majority of the time, when it's something like this morning.. I'll just say to myself, my friends are all pricks. Not to say they're bad friends, though they could be better... But perfect friends? Does anyone have that?

It's annoying when people are overly hyped on their friends, have facebook albums with all their different friends and are totally in your face about how awesome their friends are! They talk about all these people you haven't met or care about in the hopes that you will respond "OMG! Your so fucking awesome! I must be you!". Fucking narcissist prick, you should die.

I would kill that person. I would kill my age 14-16 self. Nuff said.

But yeah, who has a perfect friend they can tell me about? Right now I feel like everyone in my immidiate circle of friends is a prick. The only one I'm thinking might not be a prick is all the way on the west coast and the second he gets back I'll probably find a few reasons to consider him a prick too.

That's how it is isn't it? Our best friends are the one that aren't readily available. When someones far away, it's easier to think of them in a more idealized way. We see them in the best light.

Seriously. If anyone has the ultimate/most super awesome/never downer friend, comment and let me know. Link me a pic of you two frolicing/holding hands/having fun. I need to know this exists!

If I've included your photo, it means I think your a prick. Least you know I'm thinking of you. And if you know I love you but have not included your photo, it means I think your a prick but you just haven't been a stand out prick lately. Yeah you Dom<3

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