Dear Skateboarding,
We've been through a lot together, and even now I love you more then ever. You've gotten me over some really hard times and I feel really blessed to have you in my life. Even now I could recollect the day we met. What a magical day...
I was young, I remember you were much older. I was a little stand-offish at first to you, but that was only cause I was afraid. Little did I know what an amazing relationship would blossom from our pandering. When you first came into my life, I was stupid, insecure and unsure of who I was. You taught me how to love and be a man. You showed me the strength I always had and made me into the confident self assured person I am today.
I admit it was hard getting to know you at first. Remember when I used to push Mongo? That drove you nuts! Boy, we really have a roller coaster of a relationship. Sometimes, even now you get me so angry I just SNAP! In the past you have really done some terrible things to hurt me. though I realize you are not entirely to blame, sometimes its my fault too. I know I will never meet someone like you again, that's why I hold you so close to my heart.
You really complete me you know that? When I feel alone and scared, you are alway their for me. I thank you for that. I would not be where I am today without you. i would not know the people I know without you. You've introduced me to so many of my life long friends. You are so Generous and continue to give despite so many people taking you for granted.
I know lately I haven't been spending time with you like we used to, School has been crazy and its been hard. But I promise this summer, we're gonna do something special! Maybe we can go away, just me and you. Somewhere we've never been. It could be so great.
I really love you skateboarding, and I mean that. I Really look forward to spending the rest of my life with you and us growing old together. For now we are young and must cherish every moment of our fleeting youth.
Love Jonn.
PS. I forgive you for the whole broken arm incident.
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