The first time I ever thought cigarette where cool was when... they where always cool. You don't always like whats cool, sometimes you're a square/sissy boy like me who follows the rules. Cigarettes have always been symbolically linked to cool, you can thank Holly Wood for that one. Any Wes Anderson jump off, you're gonna have cool characters smoking.
Okay, now I remember when cigarettes became cool(in my world anyway). It was this movie that was too indie for your life, so indie it might as well not exist, its THAT indie. .. well. not that indie, if it had some big stars in it. I am of coarse talking about Coffee and Cigarettes.
The first time I heard about this movie was around the beginning of high school. My best friend Evan was telling about this boring black and white movie with people sitting around drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes that his older brother Ceasar was watching with his friends. Fast forward a few years later to when I'm 18. I am in California at a friends house deciding what movie we would watch for the evening. I am blown away by the selection of off-beat hipster films readily available in this vast library of awesome. some usual suspects; Pulp Fiction, Blue Velvet etc.
I'm browsing through the shelves and shelves of movies when I come upon a copie of Coffee and Cigarettes. I pick it up and suggest we watch it. I was asked to give a breif synopsys on the film and all I could really come up with was, well, there are people-famous people, smoking cigarettes and chatting over coffee. not exactly the best sell, but i convince the group to watch it anyway.
We start watching it and 15 minute in everyones already bored. But I was super into it. It was intellegent and witty. I would admit its not for everyone, but thats fine right? Be part of a select few that enjoy this work. you'll be that much cooler. I leave you now with one of the finer scenes of the film. The ever timeless Bill Murray's encounter with the Rza and Gza of the Wu tang clan.
To be continued...