There is a beauty in symetry. When I broke my right arm about two months ago, my symetry was disrupted. Fast forward to now and I have a gimpy/ephialtes from 300/'good arm' from scary movie/skinny shit right arm and a jacked/vin diesel/chuck norris left arm. For the past few months my left arms been doin all the heavy lifting-I could see how it all came about.
So now I'm thinkin-hey, this jacked cut-ass arm doesn't look too bad, what if I could get this goin on through out my body? And so the journey begins.
I really never thought I would say this, but I wanna be totally ripped! Not like meat head/steroid/'where did my neck go!' brawlic. Ew nasty gross, who would ever want that. No. I was thinking more along the lines of Bruce Lee or Brad Pitt in fight club. That could work right? Don't get me wrong, the skinny emo/hipster/looking like a fag/weakling look is totally rad and all, I'm just thinking perhaps I could put a cool spin on muscles! I mean, muscles are cool you know?

[I sound like such a jock]
I suppose I'm revamping the the image a little, why stop at muscles! Has anyone at all been wondering about my hair? Course not, why would you-it's MY hair. So anywhoo-right now I'm trying to grow this bad boy out, mean while visiting some awkward stages in between. I'm sure I had a mullet at some point.. Then a bob-cut.. Pony tail mode.. The list goes on.
My goal at this point is to get my hair long and hippy status, like Saul played by James franco in pineapple express. Then when I've reached that goal I may linger their for a week or so before I get the Casablanca-by Julian Casablanca of the strokes. This du is basically long to medium length with ragged bangs. I suppose when I get sick of that I will make my way down to the ever popular greaser/slick-back/dylan rieder/RVCA skate team du that's huge right now in skateboarding.
Phase 3
Ultimately once I've lived all my dream hair cuts I plan to go bald or next to bald. At that point I'd feel that any insecurity I may of had about my hair in the past may at last be put to rest...
...or some deep shit like that.
Boy I have alot to write about hair/myself. Summary? Get ripped and have great hair.
...or some deep shit like that.
Boy I have alot to write about hair/myself. Summary? Get ripped and have great hair.
Cool blog...Im following you now...
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these are all rad haircuts