We all live a mondane life. Of coarse you don't think it's mondane, but when I have to listen to it, I could hardly stay awake. Just kidding! I'm a great listener.
But really, getting people to give a fuck about what you say is an art form! One way I've been exploring for the past few months is blogging. Look at you! Reading my bullshit and loving it! Well. You might not be loving it but you're sure not gonna stop reading cause I said that!
Anyway, you wouldn't be reading this now if you didn't find any of the past posts interesting. I had to flick you on the forehead a few times and shock you with commentary on taboo topics before I could get you hooked. Less of coarse you're a completely new reader, in which case, hello.
Text is one thing, but verbal presentation is a complete other. I love telling a story. But not everyone has the attention span to completely listen. That's where this bit of advice comes in..
..learn. To speak. Slooow. And. Every so often. Just throw.. Periods. Into your. Sentences, where they... Wouldn't normally be. It's pretty.. Annoying to read.. Via text. However, in your. Day to day. This could make your.. Mondane.. Boring.. Life-saga seem.. Almost captivating. If you think you're.. Nice with it.. Throw random.. Punctuations.. In to your. Sentences.. It might make things more.. Interesting? It's pretty.. Funny when you add.. Question marks? It's makes thing.. Awkwardly funny? Yeah. Just be sure.. To leave... Your words.. Hanging...
I know that was annoying, but I swear it works! When you speak slower, it conveys confidence and your message is more clear. Plus it give you more time to think. All those mental blanks that come up, when you're talking to people, it's cause you depend to heavily on content. Don't worry about what you're saying, just say it slow.. Drag it out.. Worrrrd.
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