I read one of your faggy posts last week and fuck yo, you're a fucking fag! Like seriously? Gay best friend? Just come outta the closet already! Why can't you just say it! We all know you want dick in your mouth!
Jesus Christ! You're such a know it all yuppy! Pompusly giving advice to the world as if you're some sorta messiah, you're FUCKING 20! It wasn't very long ago you got the privilage to buy ciggarettes. You're just a jaded fucking hipster fucking BITCH BOY!
And another thing! You're fucking unoriginal and a total rip off of that boy crazy site. You're a fag. You should take over that site cause we all know you're boy crazy. You should go fulfil you're dream and suck Dylan Rieders dick! You prissy fag!
Fuck you,
Eli Reed
In response :
Goodness Eli, I had no idea you felt strongly about me.. To be honest you calling me bitch boy in all caps got me rather excited. Hope to hear from you again soon<3
If any one else would like to send me some more fan mail, reassuring me of my brilliance as dear Eli has done, please feel free.
E-mail : Givertotheworld@yahoo.com

Eli you have the right to not read this blog if you dont like it! Where do you get off emailing someone some crap like that I am sure Jonathan did not ask you to come to this site and for the record I love this site LOVE IT and if you do not like dont ever come back.