There's new stuff coming out everyday. Have you guys seen that new apple Ipad? That thing is effing insane! It's nuts what humans are capable of, the ones with ambition anyway.
So I wouldn't mind having an Ipad of my own, shit, I'll even say it, I want one! I've been told that want and desire is the cause of unhappiness and to not be so materialistic. Well that's a bit of a cop out isn't it? Especially coming from a guy with no job, who’s a lazy coach potato. Why are you trying to keep me down?
pothead tryna hold me down!
Now I'm not trying to bash Buddhism ideals or anything, I'm just saying when we want something, it's motivation to make moves and get it! That kinda ties into the whole topic of ambition. I would define ambition as having larger then life-sized goals that are built for the long term. It's dreaming big and following through!
I've always had big dreams. Dreams of being a pro skater, owning a big ass house, making lots of money, having a family... Sometimes things happen that sidetrack you, or you go on little detours. Just don't forget what you really want.
Want and desire fuels our economy! You know how you can contribute to society? Make lots of money, then spend lots of money! It's a big circulatory system and if your a lazy turd, your causing our country constipation! I for one I love America! Barack Obama is really killin it right now.
But if you are not an ambitious individual, I'm not pushing you. There's no need for you to contribute. There are plenty of awesome people that are ready and willing to step on you to reach their goals.
Oh and did I mention girls find ambitious guys sexy? The more mature ones anyway. Just listen to Kanye West's 'Gold digger'.
So I salute the ambitious! Thank you for all the apple products, next level skate maneuvers, awesome movies, delicious gourmet foods and whatever is in store for the future!
It's never too late! You know that saying "today's the first day of the rest of your life"? Well it's fuckin true, but only if you make it happens for yourself. Make a to do list full of stuff you want to do today, tomorrow, a year from now, whatever! The first step is knowing what you want out of life.
Where all in this together, the successful aren't necessarily laughing at you atop their high chair, matter of fact I'm sure they'd love for us to join! Let the successful inspire you! Stop being a damn hater! Why are you spending so much time hating anyway?
okJon, this is interesting but i have to disagree for the record. I thing we too often measure ambition and sucess through the acquisition of wealth or material goods...Some of the most ambitious people i have ever heard of are punks like Ian Mackay or dead people like Malcolm X. Success also comes easier for a good percentage of the white male heterosexual population..may i add, so we cant just treat Reaganomics like they are true..when they are actually racist and fucked up.
ReplyDeleteI hate to burst your apple bubble but the ipad isn't that awesome. Its still operating on the iphone os, doesn't support flash, you can't multitask ie listen to music and using browser at the same time, and the highest memory capacity you can have is 64gb. but then again I do admit its kind of cool, I could imagine pulling that shit out on the bus or something while everyone jizz in their pants in amazement
ReplyDeleteLol, okay, i've been under alot of critism for being too money driven. And you guys are right, money isn't what measures success or ambition. However it's my blog and i enjoy projecting my personal desires/wants/dreams on others!
ReplyDeleteI want to make lots of money, not cuz I'm greedy like that, but because I don't want to be at the whim of others.
And I'm actually not crazy about the ipad, I just thought it was good motivation to save up for something. What do u get the guy whose got it all?